Tuesday, October 16, 2012

All of the Vocab so far...

Intercede-  to plead on behalf on someone else.
 Hackneyed-  used so often as to lack freshness or origionality.
 Approbation-  the expression of approval or favorable opinoin, praise.
 Innuendo-  a hint, indirect suggestion or reference.
 Coalition-  a combination, union, or merger for some specific reason.
 Elicit-  to draw forth, bring out form some source.
 Hiatus-  a gap, opening, break (in the sense that an element is missing)
 Assuage-  to make easier or milder, to relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to, to satisfy, appease, quench.
 Decadence-  decline, decay, or deteriouration; excessive self-indugence.
 Expostulate-  to attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning.
 Simulate-  to make a pretense of, to imitate.
 Jaded-  wearied, worn-out, dulled.
 Umbrage-  shade cast by trees; overshadowing influence or power.
 Prerogative-  a special right or privilage.
 Lurid-  causing shock, horror, or revulsion; pale, or sallow in color.
 Transcend-  to rise above or beyond; to exceed.
 Provincial-  pertaining to an outlying area; local; narrow in mind or outlook; countrified in the sense of being limited or backward
 Petulant-  peevish, annoyed by trifles, easily irritated or upset.
 Unctuous-  excessivley smooth or smug; trying to hard to give an impression of eagerness, sincerity, or peity.
 Meritorious-  worthy, deserving of praise and recognition.

Encomium - A formal expression of high praise; eulogy.
Coherent - Logically connected; consistent.
Belabor - to explain, worry about, or work at (something) repeatedy or more than is necessary.
Eschew - To abtain or keep away from: shun; aviod.
Acpuisitive - Tending or seeking to acquir and own, often greedily; eager to get wealth, possesion, etc.
Emulate - To try to equal of excel; imitate with effoert to equal or surpass.
Arrogate - To claim unwarrantably or presumptuously; assume or appropriate to oneslef without right.
Banal - deviod or fresh or originality; hackeyed; trite.
Escoriation - The act of excoriating.
Congeal - To change from a soft or fluid state  to a rigid or solid state, as by cooling or freezing.
Carping - Characterized by fussy or petulant fualtfinding.
Substantiale - To establish by proof or competent evidence.
Temporize - To be indecisive or evasive to gain time or delay acting.
Largess - Generous bestowal of gifts.
Tenable - Capable of being held, maintained, or defended, as against attack or dispute.
Insatiable - Not satiable, incapable of being satisfied or appeased.
Reconnaissance - The act of reconnoitering.
Germane - Closley or significantly out into branches or bramchlike parts, extend into subvisions.
Taciturn - Indined to silence: reserved in speech; reluctant to join in converation.
Ividious - Calculated toi create ill will or resentment or give offense.

Melancholy - A gloomy state of mind, especially when habitual or prolonged; depression.
Exemplary - Serving for example or pattern; exemplary.
Peculiar - Strange; queer; odd. Uncommon or unusual.
Dread - To fear greatly; be in extreme apprehension.
Bough - A branch of a tree, especially one of the larger or main branches.
Pious - Having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations.
Communion - A group of people having a common religious faith; a religious denomination.
Auditor - A person appointed and authorized to examine accounts and accounting records, compare the charges with the vouchers, verify balance sheet and income items and state the result.
Multitude - A great number of people gathered together; crowed; throng; host.
Eloquence - The practice or art of using language with fluency and aptness.
Despair - Loss of hope; someone or something that causes hopelessness.
Hoary - Ancient or venerable.

   Allude - A form of allusion, to refer to casually or indirectly.
-The author of the story tries to allude the reader with his imagination and writing skills.
   Clairvoyant - Being able to perceive beyond the senses; having or claiming to have the power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision.
- Apparently the sidekick we saw at the old shop was very clairvoyant but I highly doubt it.
   Conclusive - Serving to settle or decide a question; decisive; convincing.
 - The scientist work was conclusive once after running through some tests.
   Disreputable - Having a poor or bad reputation.
 - The man was disreputable after being convicted of a serious crime.
   Endemic - Natural to or characteristic of a specific people or place.
  - The boy's endemic seemed to be with more mature people.
   Exemplary - Serving to be an example or pattern; exemplary
 - The ex-convict wanted to be an exemplary for his little boy.
   Fathom - N. To measure of by means of a sounding line; sound.
  - V.  To penetrate the truth of; comprehend; to understand.      
   Guile - Insidious cunning in attaining a goal; tricky; cleverness; to trick.
 - The spy so guile when he retrieved the stolen ruby.
   Integrity - adherence to moral the ethical principles soundness of moral character.
 - The teacher loved the student's integrity.
   Itinerary - A detailed plan for a journey , especially a list of places to visit.
  - The dad's itinerary was to go all over the big monuments in Europe for the family vacation.
   Misconstrue - To misunderstand. To misread something, misrepresent.
  - The boy misconstrue the meaning of the word that he learned in class today.
   Obnoxious - Highly objectionable or offensive; rude or unpleasant.
  - The people that sat in front of us during the movie were very obnoxious.
   Placate - To calm down; to appease or pacify, especially by concessions conciliatory gestures.
  - The teacher was trying to figure out how to placate her students after the big news.
   Placid - Pleasantly calm or peaceful.  
  - The city park was very nice and placid.
   Plagiarism - Taking someone elses work and representing it as your own.
 - The man was sued for plagiarizing  a companies idea.
   Potent - Powerful; mighty.
 - The Greeks looked at the gods very potently, but also very graceful.
   Pretext - Reason for doing something. To put something forward to conceal a true purpose or object.
- The reason why the teacher put the pretext on the white board is because you  are supposed to figure out it what it means.
   Protrude - To stick out.
 - That girl in the choir protrude the most out of the most out of the group.
   Stark - Obvious or clear.
  - The stain on the white shirt was very stark.
   Superficial - Shallow, being at, on, or near the surface.

Adroit- Clever or skillful in using the hands or mind. My dad is very adroit and can fix anything.
Amicable- Having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement. Jessica is a very amicable person who makes everyone feel good.
Averse- Having a strong dislike of or opposition to something. I am very averse about joining the military.
 Belligerent- Hostile and aggresive. Don't be so belligerent and give me the card.
Benevolent- Well meaning and kindly. Charitable. She gave a benevolent gift to everyone she saw.
Cursory- Hastily, therefore not thorough or detailed. He made a cursory look through the boxes.
Duplicity- Deceitfulness; double dealing. He talked with a sense of duplicity.
Extol- Praise enthusiastically. Janet gave a scream of extol when she won the lotery.
Feasible- Possible to do easily or conveniently. Writing your name is a very feasible thing to do.
Grimace- A twisted expression on a person's face; disgust or pain. He grimaced after a prank was made on his sister.
Holocaust- Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale. There was a holocaust in Germany when Hitler took over.
Impervious- Not allowing something to pass through. The guards were impervious and wouldn't let people in the barn.
Impetus- The force that makes something happen or happen more quickly. The hammer was impetus in putting the nail in the wood.
Jeopardy- Danger of loss, harm or failure. You could be in jeopardy swimming in the toxic water.
Meticulous- Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise. My teacher was very meticulous when we were cleaning our desks.
Nostalgia- A sentimental longing of the past. My sister was in a state of nostalgia and depression.
Quintessence- The most perfect or typical example of a quality or class. That is the absolute quintessence of professionalism.
Retrogress- Go back to an earlier state; typically a worse one. Travis sadly started to retrogress and lose everything.
Scrutinize- Examine or inspect closely and thoroughly. My mom will scrutinize my room after I clean it.
Tepid- Lukewarm; Showing little enthusiasm. The crowd clapped with tepid hands when the boring speaker stopped talking.

Ad infinitum: To infinity; endlessly; without limit.

Apportion: To distribute proportionally.

Bona fide: Made or presented in good faith.

Buoyant: Tending to float in a fluid.

Clique: A small, exclusive group of people.

Concede: To acknowledge as true; to admit.

Congenial: Agreeable, or pleasing in nature or character.

Lofty: Extending high in the air; towering.

Migration: The process or act of migrating; moving.

Perceive: To become aware of.

Perverse: Willfully determined to counter what is expected or desired.

Prelude: Before an action, event or condition.

Rancid: Unpleasant smell or taste.

Rustic: Living in the country; rural.

Sever: To separate from the whole.

Sordid: Morally ignoble or base; vile.

Untenable: Incapable of being defended, as an argument.

Versatile: Capable for turning easily from one to another of various tasks.

Vindicate: To clear, as from an accusation.

Wane: To decrease in strength, intensity.

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